Karma-Gaming - HAZANS :Combat Bhop:
HAZANS :Combat Bhop:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
8:05pm Oct-30-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc
Since I was 14 I have had various roles in different communities including mod, admin, and head admin on multiple servers.

I have been a staff on CSnest, surfburken, slaughter, rosegaming.

CSnest is a MiniGames server in Sweden. Thats the last server I was admin on but I only was stuff there to help the owner a friend of mine when he started the community up.

Surfburken was a big Swedish community back in the day and that was the first server I was admin on. I played for the most part on the RPG and TTT but I was admin on all the servers. I was admin there until it sadly shut down in the end.

Slaughter was an old German combat surf server I was mod on so i only could mute and gag people and i was admin there until it shut down as well.

Rose Gaming was a MG Course/ MiniGames server I was head admin on but I left because the staff were really toxic to work with so I left that community early so its not really much to say about that.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I am experienced with source mod and source bans. I have trained other admins in other communities. The biggest thing is that combat bhop is more of a EU community so its maybe good to have EU admins on it.

Which Karma server are you applying for
Combat Bhop

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

What is your primary timezone(closest to you)

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
Im experience with source mod and source bans I have trained other admins on other server. The biggest thing is that combat bhop is more of a EU community so its mabye good to have EU admins on it.

What do you think makes a good staff member
A good member of the staff team should possess many qualities some of which are being responsible, devoted and accountable. Being responsible is incredibly important that you should always take your own responsibility as an admin when you are on a server or in discord. You always do your job and take accountability for your actions, good or bad ones. Next on in my eyes is arguably the most important trait to have when being staff, which being dedicated to the server/servers that you are staff on. It is important that you are devoted to the players so they get a good experience while on the servers and feel a safe community when they come to Karma. So that they come back to our servers in the future. The last one is as important then the other ones. You need to have accountability to work, and be driven while on the servers. It is not just being active on the server, you need people to be able to count on the staff, and that they always are productive and do all parts of the work whether its responding to tickets from players in discord or actively moderating while on the servers.

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
8:05pm Oct-30-2020
Verification ID: 61AAF85A-1D83-496C-A172-A917ABB1958F
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8:12pm Oct-30-2020
I have known Hazans for a long time now, and I can easily say he was one of the nicest most genuine people I am friends with. Hazans has helped setup the Combat-Bhop server when it was still just an idea karma was having. He has already put many hours into the server and its not even released yet! Without a doubt one of the easiest +1's I have ever given.
8:45pm Oct-30-2020
oo wow
8:51pm Oct-30-2020
I've known Hazans for a long time as well, he's helped me out with the server tons with testing along with feedback that has been incredibly useful. He has tons of experience from different communities and knows his way around anything csgo. His timezone will be very useful since Bhop Combat has predominantly been EU based for a long time. Also knowing that English is his second language and the amount of effort he put into the application to make it look this good is already is more than enough for a +1.
No I'm not Russian
8:54pm Oct-30-2020
Quote From Case
10:25pm Oct-30-2020
+1 Nice guy and a good app!
heyy im noah :)
10:36pm Oct-30-2020
0 dont know him but good app. Seems repsonsible.
1:02am Oct-31-2020
+1 lots of past experience with staff and very mature
8:09am Oct-31-2020
Quote From suki
I have known Hazans for a long time now, and I can easily say he was one of the nicest most genuine people I am friends with. Hazans has helped setup the Combat-Bhop server when it was still just an idea karma was having. He has already put many hours into the server and its not even released yet! Without a doubt one of the easiest +1's I have ever given.

$20 is $20
3:21pm Oct-31-2020
Quote From Ceebz
+1 Nice guy and a good app!
wait I'm awp staff?
9:22pm Oct-31-2020
+1 he was really nice and chill plus rlly good app
CSGO is dying rip
11:05pm Oct-31-2020
1:02am Nov-01-2020
0 ? I don't know who this man is.
2:09am Nov-01-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.
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