Member (Karma Source)Posts: 10 | Requesting User
Lil Crayon
Steam Name
Steam ID
Which Karma server were you banned from
Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
Type of Request
Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Okay I know I am doing so much Ban Appeals, its because I want to get back with this community I know just talking with the community isn't gonna help a unban but, yes I do hang out with a friend group that trolls a lot, but I will def not be affiliated with them once they ban evade or do some stupid things all I want is to get back with the community I am being really honest and I am going to show that im not lying because the incident that happened yesterday im being truly honest I had nothing to do with them or affiliated with them so Im just asking to get unbanned on the karma server or discord.